Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Sorry Mrs. C.

It seems that I have gotten my 5 year old son into some trouble at preschool. See, in our house we don't have much good to say about our pResident. In fact, we like to refer to him as pResident stupidhead. It is encouraged in our house. I like my kids to be well educated on the politics and make their own minds of course. So here's where the trouble comes in. The teacher asked my child to name some things he doesn't like: hmmm...shots, cabbage patch dolls, the backyardigans, and pResident Stupidhead, our current and beloved president. It appears that you can't call someone stupidhead in preschool though. Huh, who would have thought? They are doing some good there. I mean we can't go around spreading rumors and calling people names and think we can get ahead, can we pResident stu...I mean intellectually challanged-head?


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